Friday, September 21, 2012

Why You Gotta Be So Mean??

Yes, I know that’s the name of a song by a popular country music artist, but the sentiment rings true!  And you know that saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”…it’s easy to say, but on the inside, those words can cause lasting damage, perhaps even more so than a broken bone.  Bones can repair themselves and become even better and stronger than ever.  But words – they can stay with you for a VERY long time!!  You can’t take back something once it’s said!  And I don’t know why it’s easier to believe the bad stuff people say about us rather than the good stuff, but it is.  I’m not sure about the exact statistic, but I believe they say it takes something like 10 nice comments to overcome one nasty comment.  Why is that??
I see and hear a lot about this among the kids in our church and Christian school!  YES – our CHRISTIAN school!!  It really makes me mad!  And you would expect this out of a secular school, but a Christian school??  It should have no part!!  Why do kids feel the need to put other kids down?  Why are they so mean?  To make themselves feel better about their own insecurities?  Probably.  And then of course, there’s that old sinful nature.  I really don’t know the reason, but deep down inside, when people criticize, slander, or hurt other people, there’s a deeper issue!  Hurting people hurt other people!
I’ve had this happen to me on occasion when I was younger.  In the 5th grade, I was selected to sing a song along with 5-6 other girls in our Christmas program at school.  The other girls were prettier or more popular than me and they couldn’t figure out why I had been chosen to sing with THEM.  On the evening of the program, I sang with all my heart!  A lady came up to me afterward and said, “You can tell you really love to sing!  It shows all over your face!”  WOW!  She said that about me?  I couldn’t believe it!!  Then in middle school, I wanted to try out for the cheerleading squad.  I practiced and practiced!  I’d come home and go to my room and practice the cheers and the jumps!  When it came time for the tryouts, I heard other girls say, “What is SHE doing here?  If she makes it, ANYONE could make it.”  And yes, those words did hurt, but I had to let go of it and move on! 
And in spite of all this, God says we are to love our enemies!  LOVE OUR ENEMIES???  How can we do that?  WE can’t, but if we’re saved and have the Holy Spirit inside of us, He can help us if we will allow Him to.  When you forgive someone, it doesn’t mean that it’s ok what they did.  It simply means you no longer seek revenge and are allowing God to deal with them as He sees fit.  Hebrews 10:30 says, “Vengeance (revenge) belongeth unto me, I will recompense (repay), saith the Lord.” 
No, not everyone is going to be the best, or the prettiest, or the brightest!  But, we all have abilities and can use what God has given us for His honor and glory.  And to be honest, I’d rather hear someone sing or play the piano that maybe doesn’t hit all the notes just right and has the right heart attitude, than to listen to someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else and hit all notes perfectly!  And remember, “Favour is deceitful (dishonest), and beauty is vain (useless): but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our Best or Good Enough??

When I attended FBT in Fairfax, I worked in the teen dept for several years.  I remember Mike Aylestock (director of the teen dept then, but now the Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Chantilly, VA) say on occasion as he would challenge the teens: “strive to have higher standards than even your parents have.”  I thought about that today as we seem to live in a world of just “good enough”.  Things that are acceptable now, were not acceptable 20 or 30 years ago.  Why?  It seems like every decade our society and morals decline further and further downward. 
I know some people think that I have very high standards or that I’m very picky…and that may be true.  But that’s ok.  I can live with that.  We all have choices to make – I can’t make yours and you can’t make mine.  I have to answer for ME!  And why does it seem like when we’re doing a job at the church or doing something for God that we just settle for “good enough” instead of doing our best?  We should all strive to do our best for God always – in everything!
I’m reminded too of that verse in Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  I want to hear God say to me “well done” one day.  What about you?
Remember the words to that hymn, “Every work for Jesus will be blest, but He asks from everyone his best.  Our talents may be few, these may be small, but unto Him is due our best; our all.”

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pet Peeves

We all have them, don’t we?  Pet peeves…things that bug us or drive us crazy!! I was thinking the other day about a class I had taken a few years ago.  We had to take a test/quiz about Conflict Dynamics.  Of course, no one likes conflict, but we have to deal with it whether we want to or not.  It’s not easy, but it doesn’t go away by just ignoring it.  Needless to say, when I got the results my test, I just laughed!  Oh my word!!  I can’t remember everything it listed, but it seemed like everything irritated me!!! 

Here are just a few of my pet peeves: 

     1. Being late myself, or other people being late and making me wait on them!  
   2. CDs need to be kept in their cases!  They get scratched otherwise…don’t you agree? 
     3. People who don’t follow through!  If you say you’re going to do something, then do it!
    4. People who drive slow in the left lane! 
   5. People who use FaceBook to slander or vent about other people…and include names!        6. People who interrupt me when I’m talking. 
   7. Body odor – no explanation needed! 
     8. People who just talk and talk…but have nothing really to say!

Ok, I guess you’ve heard enough, huh?  Did you notice how most all my pet peeves were about other people??  I wonder if I do things that irritate other people?  Am I too demanding?  Do I expect too much from others?  Do I just need to accept people where they are?  Ouch - food for thought!!!

Well, my pet peeves may not be yours, but that’s ok.  We’re all unique and God made us different for a reason.  If everyone were just like me, the world would be…filled with a lot of music and a lot of fun!!  Just kidding…but you get the point.  I can’t expect everyone to accommodate me all the time, but it sure would be nice!  ;-) 

Monday, June 18, 2012

10 Things random things about me that you might not know:

1.     I have never had a speeding ticket…hitting someone or someone hitting me – yes; but never a speeding ticket!
2.    I love NCIS, Gilmore Girls, and Boy Meets World!  I know every episode of the Gilmore Girls by heart!  I think I’ve watched the entire series at least 10 times or me!  Miss that show!   L
3.    I am addicted to pasta!  I could eat pasta for every meal and be just fine!!
4.    I played the clarinet in Middle School and High School and was 1st chair in both 11th and 12th grade!
5.    I have never had a broken bone or been in the hospital other than visiting someone else!  PTL!!
6.    I was 40 yrs old before I ever traveled overseas!
7.    I was in the delivery room when my friend Teresa gave birth to her 2nd child.  It was one of THE most awesome things I have ever witnessed!
8.    I could sing before I could talk in full sentences!  Mom said I started doing that before age 2!
9.    I worked for Little Caesar’s pizza for 3 days.  They told me I wasn’t cut out for that type of work…said I should work at a Dept. Store with clothes and jewelry!  They knew me pretty well, huh?  LOL
10. I have been in love once and engaged once…never married!  I believe God is still working on the perfect man for me and working on me to be the perfect mate for him!!  J

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love is...

“Love is a many-splendored thing.”  “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”  “If you love someone, set them free.”  And on and on…I know so cheesy, but this is how the world defines love!
I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine’s Day…or as we singles call it: Singles Awareness Day!  I’ll have to admit, I’m usually sad or depressed on Valentine’s Day since I don’t have a special someone in my life.  However, I’ve been sick recently and have spent more time on getting well, than dwelling on this day, so perhaps the Lord allowed my sickness for a reason??  I don’t know for sure, but I decided this year, I wasn’t going to let it get me down! 
Just because I don’t have a husband, boyfriend, or a significant other at the moment, doesn’t mean that I don’t have the love of my family and friends!  I believe my family is THE BEST ever I have some very close, awesome friends!  But, the greatest love of all is from my Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally!  What more could I ask for??  Let’s face it, our earthly love for one another is so shallow sometimes: “I only love you if you love me!”  Or, “I love you if or because you do something for me!”    But, Jesus loves me with an “everlasting love.”  John 15:13 says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus did that for ME and I’ll take this kind of love over human love any day!
I’ve realized recently that I spend too much time dwelling on things that I don’t have instead of being satisfied and grateful for what I do.  I’m blessed beyond measure!  Of course it’s easy to say this now when I’m not in the middle of feeling lonely or sorry for myself, but I can choose to be happy and content and this is what I’m choosing!
There’s a chorus to a song that Rodney Griffin wrote…he sings with Greater Vision who is one of my favorite Southern Gospel groups.  Ivan Parker made it popular…here’s a link to the song:
I choose to believe that You are faithful and my heart is in Your hands
And this mystery that I face today is part of a greater plan
I choose not to be discouraged when the sun will not break through
I have a choice of trusting You, so Lord this is what I choose

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

If I'd Had My Way

You know the old slogan from Burger King, “Have it your way”!  Well, as much as we’d like to, we don’t always get our way.  When we’re kids, we think our parents are so mean if we want something and don’t get it.  I mean, if they loved us, they would give it to us, right?  How immature our thinking!  I remember when I was growing up and I would want something so badly, I could hardly stand it!  While I didn’t have everything I wanted, I had everything I needed!  But, I’ll have to admit, I usually got what I wanted…within reason, of course.  However, there were the occasions when I’d want something and I just couldn’t understand why mom wouldn’t let me have it or if I wanted to go somewhere and she wouldn’t let me.  While I didn’t like it at the time, Mom was just doing what she thought was best for me!
Now that I’m older, there are still things I want, but don’t have.  Lisa says since I’m the baby, I’m spoiled.  And I like it that way – HA!  And people assume since I’m single, that I have no responsibilities…right??  Wrong!  I still have bills, rent, and food to buy.  But there are things I still want like a husband or a new car or some other unfulfilled desire.  I mean, I’m a good person, I try to be obedient and do right.  So why am I still unmarried?  Well, I really have no clue, but do know what the Bible says in Psalm 84:11, “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”  So, I know the Bible is true and God’s way is perfect!  I have to trust that God knows what He’s doing.  He’s a lot smarter than I am!  So, my logic is I guess I don’t NEED a husband or it’s just not good for me right now.  Maybe someday…until then, my heart will go on singing!  Sounds like a song!  HA!
This is song sang me into work this morning!  While it’s several years old, the message is still as strong today as when I first heard it! 
If I’d Had My Way
By Janet Paschal

If I’d had my way about it, I’d of danced in grassy fields and fragrant meadows
And risen in the morning with the robins’ lovely melody
I’d of rested in wide spaces high above the hurting places and found a cross that asked much less of me
Never sailed through raging wind or troubled sea
If You thought it best to leave it up to me

But if I’d had my way I might have been wading through the river, when You wanted me to walk upon the sea
And if I’d had my say and all of my wants and whims and wishes, You knew how weak, how shallow I would be
If I’d had my way

If I’d had my way about I’d of only known your majesty and glory
And passed that cup of sorrow to somebody else more willing to receive
I’d of written lovely phrases; inspiring lofty praises and soared above my own humanity
Wounded wouldn’t die; hearts wouldn’t bleed
If all along You’d left it up to me

I trust Your wisdom over mine ‘cause You’ve proven over time that in my narrow way of seeing things
I’d leave the best behind sometimes; I might not have stayed as close if I’d had my way!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Never say "NEVER"!!

I know you’ve heard that saying before, “I’ll NEVER do that!”  I’ve said it too!  Truth is, we should never say that we’ll never do something because most of what we say we’ll never do, is THE very thing we end up doing!  When I was a teenager, our youth director would encourage us to do right and stay out of trouble.  He sounded like a broken record.  And yes, I got tired of hearing it, but I never forgot it either!  I remember several teens saying “Don’t worry, we’ll never do that!”  Most of them ended up doing things they never thought or said they would do.  That’s one of the reasons to stay faithful in church and in your daily devotions!  Not to brag, but I’ve been having my “be still” time with the Lord since I was a teenager.  I remember reading something as a kid that has stuck with me: “Never start the day with the face of your soul unwashed.”  I learned very early that it’s so important to put God first and everything else will fall into place. Have I ALWAYS done that??  No, not always, but Praise the LORD times are the exception and not the rule!
I am so grateful for God’s Word!  As much as all the “always” things of God are promised, it’s just as important to emphasize the “never(s)” He has promised as well!  Of course we’re familiar with the promise of “I will never thee nor forsake thee.”  But I found a “never” you might not be as familiar with!  It says in 2 Peter 1:4-10: “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.  For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.  Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:”  If I continue to add to all these things above, I will NEVER fall!  How AWESOME is that??