Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our Best or Good Enough??

When I attended FBT in Fairfax, I worked in the teen dept for several years.  I remember Mike Aylestock (director of the teen dept then, but now the Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Chantilly, VA) say on occasion as he would challenge the teens: “strive to have higher standards than even your parents have.”  I thought about that today as we seem to live in a world of just “good enough”.  Things that are acceptable now, were not acceptable 20 or 30 years ago.  Why?  It seems like every decade our society and morals decline further and further downward. 
I know some people think that I have very high standards or that I’m very picky…and that may be true.  But that’s ok.  I can live with that.  We all have choices to make – I can’t make yours and you can’t make mine.  I have to answer for ME!  And why does it seem like when we’re doing a job at the church or doing something for God that we just settle for “good enough” instead of doing our best?  We should all strive to do our best for God always – in everything!
I’m reminded too of that verse in Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  I want to hear God say to me “well done” one day.  What about you?
Remember the words to that hymn, “Every work for Jesus will be blest, but He asks from everyone his best.  Our talents may be few, these may be small, but unto Him is due our best; our all.”

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