Monday, June 18, 2012

10 Things random things about me that you might not know:

1.     I have never had a speeding ticket…hitting someone or someone hitting me – yes; but never a speeding ticket!
2.    I love NCIS, Gilmore Girls, and Boy Meets World!  I know every episode of the Gilmore Girls by heart!  I think I’ve watched the entire series at least 10 times or me!  Miss that show!   L
3.    I am addicted to pasta!  I could eat pasta for every meal and be just fine!!
4.    I played the clarinet in Middle School and High School and was 1st chair in both 11th and 12th grade!
5.    I have never had a broken bone or been in the hospital other than visiting someone else!  PTL!!
6.    I was 40 yrs old before I ever traveled overseas!
7.    I was in the delivery room when my friend Teresa gave birth to her 2nd child.  It was one of THE most awesome things I have ever witnessed!
8.    I could sing before I could talk in full sentences!  Mom said I started doing that before age 2!
9.    I worked for Little Caesar’s pizza for 3 days.  They told me I wasn’t cut out for that type of work…said I should work at a Dept. Store with clothes and jewelry!  They knew me pretty well, huh?  LOL
10. I have been in love once and engaged once…never married!  I believe God is still working on the perfect man for me and working on me to be the perfect mate for him!!  J


  1. These are all really neat facts! I never knew any of them!! :)

    1. Thanks Judy!! Now you know all about me!! :-)))
