Tuesday, January 31, 2012

If I'd Had My Way

You know the old slogan from Burger King, “Have it your way”!  Well, as much as we’d like to, we don’t always get our way.  When we’re kids, we think our parents are so mean if we want something and don’t get it.  I mean, if they loved us, they would give it to us, right?  How immature our thinking!  I remember when I was growing up and I would want something so badly, I could hardly stand it!  While I didn’t have everything I wanted, I had everything I needed!  But, I’ll have to admit, I usually got what I wanted…within reason, of course.  However, there were the occasions when I’d want something and I just couldn’t understand why mom wouldn’t let me have it or if I wanted to go somewhere and she wouldn’t let me.  While I didn’t like it at the time, Mom was just doing what she thought was best for me!
Now that I’m older, there are still things I want, but don’t have.  Lisa says since I’m the baby, I’m spoiled.  And I like it that way – HA!  And people assume since I’m single, that I have no responsibilities…right??  Wrong!  I still have bills, rent, and food to buy.  But there are things I still want like a husband or a new car or some other unfulfilled desire.  I mean, I’m a good person, I try to be obedient and do right.  So why am I still unmarried?  Well, I really have no clue, but do know what the Bible says in Psalm 84:11, “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.”  So, I know the Bible is true and God’s way is perfect!  I have to trust that God knows what He’s doing.  He’s a lot smarter than I am!  So, my logic is I guess I don’t NEED a husband or it’s just not good for me right now.  Maybe someday…until then, my heart will go on singing!  Sounds like a song!  HA!
This is song sang me into work this morning!  While it’s several years old, the message is still as strong today as when I first heard it! 
If I’d Had My Way
By Janet Paschal

If I’d had my way about it, I’d of danced in grassy fields and fragrant meadows
And risen in the morning with the robins’ lovely melody
I’d of rested in wide spaces high above the hurting places and found a cross that asked much less of me
Never sailed through raging wind or troubled sea
If You thought it best to leave it up to me

But if I’d had my way I might have been wading through the river, when You wanted me to walk upon the sea
And if I’d had my say and all of my wants and whims and wishes, You knew how weak, how shallow I would be
If I’d had my way

If I’d had my way about I’d of only known your majesty and glory
And passed that cup of sorrow to somebody else more willing to receive
I’d of written lovely phrases; inspiring lofty praises and soared above my own humanity
Wounded wouldn’t die; hearts wouldn’t bleed
If all along You’d left it up to me

I trust Your wisdom over mine ‘cause You’ve proven over time that in my narrow way of seeing things
I’d leave the best behind sometimes; I might not have stayed as close if I’d had my way!

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