Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things...

I thought I’d start posting some items that I like and I thought you might too…
One thing I discovered last year is an eyeshadow that’s in a powder format.  It’s from Avon called, Beyond Color, Radiant Lifting Eyeshadow.  I put it on under my regular color eyeshadow.  It works as both a highlighter for your brow, but also keeps your eyeshadow from creasing – ALL DAY!  This is a major plus…I’ve had issues with this for years and this product which costs $4.99 took care of everything!!  YAY!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh yes...I remember it well!!

I found a picture on a friend of mine’s FB page.  It was of our Woodbridge Senior High School Marching Band!  I have no idea where I am in this picture, but who cares?? I loved being in the marching band!  It was so much fun!
I’ve also been able to reconnect with a friend of mine from years gone by – Mary Margaret!  We went to elementary school together right on up through HS.  It’s been a lot of fun reminiscing about old times.  We know lots of fun/cool secrets about each other, but I won’t go into that lest I should incriminate myself!  LOL
I always tell kids to enjoy your “growing up years” while you can!!  It’s a whole different world when mom and dad aren’t paying for things anymore.  And while I would like to go back and re-live some of the good memories…I wouldn’t like to re-live the bad ones.  Life goes on, whether we want it to or not! 
Enjoy today while it's today!  Live your life to the fullest!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So exciting...and yet so sad!

I was in FL last week with the STS-133 launch!  I'm so glad it finally got off the ground!  This launch had been delayed since last November.  This was Discovery's final flight...sniff, sniff!!  As they say, all good things must come to an end eventually.  I guess it's time to look forward and in a new direction.  Only 2 more Shuttle flights and that's it...the end of the Space Shuttle Program!!  It's a very hard and emotional time here at NASA.  Hoping for the best in all this budget nightmare mess on Capitol Hill!

On a good note - I got to see and meet with my NASA Center/Contractor Panel members.  And as always, I have a great time hanging out with my good friend Sallie!  We always have a blast!  We stayed at the Gaylord Palms in Kissimee!  Love it there...we call it our "home away from home" as we've been there so many times!!  They even have a Brighton store in the hotel!  That makes it so much better!  And, of course, the hotel is accessible to Sonic, Steak & Shake, and the Cheesecake Factory!  Gotta love it!  :-)

It's was a rocky/bumpy flight home with all the horrible wind, but I kept singing the lyrics to this song to myself, "I know the Master of the wind, I know the Maker of the rain.  He can calm your storm, make the sun shine again; I know the Master of the wind."  The Lord came through one more time!!!  He's so good!!!