I remember it like it was yesterday! 21 years ago today, my dad passed away from a sudden heart attack. He had been sick with a cold, but nothing could have prepared us for this. As I was reflecting back on that day, I have so much to be thankful for! You see, just about 10 minutes before he collapsed, daddy was driving the car, and Mom, Lisa, and I were all with him. I didn’t realize it at the time, but God was taking care of us and meeting our needs even then. When things like this happen suddenly, you don’t have a lot of time to think rationally. You do things and make decisions the best you can. We had a memorial service for him at our church in Fairfax the Tuesday after he passed. That morning while reading my Bible, the Lord gave me exactly what I needed. My devotion was from Matthew 6 – God was telling me not to worry about tomorrow, because He had it all under control. While I was getting ready that morning, I was humming a song from Psalm 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” The Pastor used that very same scripture during the service that day. Coincidence? NO! Once again, the Lord was assuring me that HE indeed was taking everything – and he ALWAYS will!!
I remember good times and bad times too. When I was 5 years old, our apartment burned down. Daddy took care of relocating us and made sure we had everything we needed.
He worked for the Washington Post. In the mid-70’s, the paper went on strike. Throughout the whole strike (6-7 months), he was only given ½ of his salary. He and mom went without – Lisa and I never did!
He loved decorating the house for Christmas…well maybe he didn’t LOVE it, but we never knew the difference. He wanted us to enjoy it and I believe he had some fun too! He and mom would stay up for hours after we went to bed and put together toys and dolls just to make it special for us. Oh, and we always had a “live” tree – none of that fake stuff for us! ;-)
Mom was the disciplinarian in the house. Daddy worked nights and shift work. Mom was around more than he was. When we would ask to go somewhere, if mom told us no, we would go to dad. He would always say, “what did your mother say?” He always backed her up – that’s very important! He never spanked Lisa, but he did spank me once. I NEVER forgot it! And, I never jumped on the bed again after that! Lol!! There were folks who criticized mom for spanking us and being hard on us, but it didn’t hurt us or scar us for life! I think we turned out pretty good! (wink)
When I graduated from high school, he wrote me a letter. I remember one line in particular, “Keep God first in your life and you will conquer the impossible.” He was right!
When I wanted to go to college, he went to the bank and took out a loan to ensure I could go. I remember being very burdened for his soul, especially while I was away and in college. He went to my school band concerts and to church with us on special occasions, ie: Christmas or Easter programs, but he didn’t go regularly. When I would ask him about his salvation and if he would go to heaven when he died, he would always say, “I don’t think you can know until you get there.” So, I wrote him a letter and gave him verses all kinds of verses on salvation and how we CAN know for sure we are saved. Mom said he got the letter and read it over and over – weeping. Every Saturday, they would call and talk to me. I asked him if he got the letter. All he said was “yes”, and never mentioned it again. He kept the letter in the top drawer of his dresser. It was still there when he died. I never had confirmation on whether he had accepted Christ as Savior, but I know he had heard enough of the Gospel throughout the years to know the truth. His mom said that he got saved as a young boy – I still wonder…
While my parents weren’t perfect, they did what they thought was right. Though I didn’t always agree with them, they did was they thought was best for us. I loved and respected them and I wanted to please them!
Daddy – I still love and miss you!!